The Church has need of saints, yes, but also of artists, of skilled and good artists.
Both saints and artists are a witness of the living Spirit of Christ.
Yours is the trust and the privilege of giving to the church new artists
who will express and advance the holiness of the Church.
Pope Paul VI
A Sacristan is a Catholic man or woman in good standing, who, after preparation and training, is approved and commissioned by the Bishop or his delegate, the Pastor, to provide the hands-on work a parish needs in order to celebrate its liturgy.
The St. Jude Catholic Church Sacristans seek to support the good order of all Eucharistic celebrations by providing assistance to the Priests and Deacons of St. Jude Church.
If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan, start with the PDF below, as all volunteers will need to be current on their safe enviroinment training and registered members of St. Jude.
As ushers, we provide for the comfort and safety of the congregation during the Masses. Ushers exercise a true liturgical ministry of hospitality that helps to build community. Through serving the worshiping assembly with joy, dependability, kindness, and reverence, ushers can help prepare their brothers and sisters for joyous participation in the sacrament of unity.
With a minimum of five masses each weekend, and other masses during the year (holy days, Christmas, Easter, etc.) there are many opportunities for volunteers in this ministry.
Approximately 15 minutes before and after Mass, in addition to the service during Mass will help the usher’s role of being effective in this valuable ministry.
If you are interested in becoming an Usher, start with the PDF below, as all volunteers will need to be current on their safe enviroinment training and registered members of St. Jude.
If you feel that you are being called to serve as an Usher, please contact our Usher Coordinator: Cyndi Bracetti:
“The Eucharist constitutes the very life of the Church, for the Lord said, I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me shall ever be hungry, no one who believes in me shall ever thirst.”
Your willingness to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion reflects not the only response to your Baptismal call to serve the people of God, but a commitment to Christ as you share in the preaching, teaching and leading aspects of the church.
You offer the Eucharist, recognize the Body of Christ in those to whom you offer Eucharist and ultimately you act as the Body of Christ by fully participating in the life of the parish and the wider community. Your willingness to commit to a monthly schedule, to prepare properly for your service, and to arrive on time dressed appropriately for your assigned Mass, further reflects that commitment.
If you are interested, start with the PDF below, as all volunteers will need to be current on their safe enviroinment training and registered members of St. Jude.
The Music Ministry of St. Jude is open to everyone. We provide music leadership for all of the parish liturgies, including Masses, weddings, funerals, prayer, and reconciliation services. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents with the rest of the community through the Music Ministry.
We are always interested in involving the people of our parish in music.
Singing and music adds so much to all of our liturgical celebrations. The choir ministry is open to everyone who has an open heart and a willingness to offer themselves in service. All the weekend Masses include various styles and instruments. If you would like to share your talents, musical/choral experience, can read music (or not), or play an instrument. Please contact our music director listed below.
Altar Servers perform a very important role in liturgical services. This role includes assisting the presider so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. We are always looking for young men and women to be part of this special ministry.
We are looking for responsible, reliable altar servers who are willing to learn all altar server roles, assist as needed at special Masses and training sessions, and help lead a team of altar servers during Masses. All volunteers must be current on their safe environment training and be registered parishioners of St.Jude Parish.
Altar Servers perform a very important and much-needed role in liturgical services. This role includes assisting the presider so that the liturgy can be conducted with grace and reverence. It enables the presider to focus on leading all present through word, prayer and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The activities of the altar server include carrying lighted candles, holding books, vessels and other liturgical items, assisting during Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, etc. The humble service of the altar server helps to eliminate distractions and enables other ministers to simplify their motions during liturgical services.
If you feel that you are being called to serve as a Server, please contact
Chichi Akpan, English AS Coordinator, contact email:
Estela Olvera, Spanish AS Coordinator, contact email:
If you are interested, start with the PDF below, as all volunteers will need to be current on their safe enviroinment training and registered members of St. Jude.
1) Make your First Communion
2) Attend Training
3) Attend CCD regularly
1) Haz tu primera comunión
2) Asistir al entrenamiento
3) Asistir al CCD regularmente
updated 09/21/2022