Adult Bible Studies

St. Jude will begin hosting an ongoing Adult Bible Study from 8:45-9:45 a.m. beginning

Sunday, September 8 and continuing through the academic year. The classes will be led by Deacon Kelly Canelo and Mike Kahanek.

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Due to the 1 Corinthian material being out of stock, our Fall Bible Study will now explore the book of James.

St. Jude Parish will be hosting its Fall Bible Study beginning Tuesday, October 1st through Tuesday December 1st at 7 PM in portable 600A located behind the main church.

The topic this year will be entitled "The Book of James: Pearls for Wise Living." The cost is $28.


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Why are we here? What's life all about? What happens when we die? If you have honest questions about the Christian faith, this series is for you. Using the lens of science, medicine, psychology, art, and religion we will explore the claims of Christianity together in a warm non-threatening atmosphere. Come join us. The study begins October 6 at 8:30 a.m. in the church office conference room.


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