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Our Bulletin

Upcoming Events


 June 20-22, 2025

Registration will be closing soon! Please register today.

Reconciliation/Confession during Lent

5:00 PM • Friday's during Lent-English
7:00 PM • Friday's during Lent-Spanish

Fr. Kelley and Fr. Francis will be hearing Confessions from 5:00-7:30 while Stations of the Cross are being held.

Coming Home: Conversations about the Catholic Faith

6:30 PM-9:00 PM • Friday April 11, 2025
8:30 AM-1:30 PM • Saturday April 12, 2025

What would compel a Protestant pastor to leave everything behind and become Catholic? This Lent, hear the incredible conversion stories of four former Protestant clergy—two of whom entered full communion with the Church right here at St. Jude. Discover what led them home, what they found in Catholicism that they couldn’t ignore, and how their journeys can help you engage in deeper, more fruitful conversations about the faith with your friends and loved ones. Don’t miss this inspiring and eye-opening event!

Knights of Columbus High School Scholarships.
Attention all Seniors, Scholarship time is here. The Knights of Columbus St. Jude Co 7736 along with the CWO is once again offering a limited number of $1000 scholarships. The application form must be completed and submitted by April 20, 2025. This date applies to all required materials such as school transcripts, etc. Applicants will be notified at the Graduation Mass.

Building Fund Pledge - scan or click image below

Homebound Communion

St. Jude Catholic Parish would like to re-start the Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to those in Nursing Homes and private residences. Please contact the Parish Office if you are sick or elderly and cannot take part in the Eucharistic assembly on the Lord’s Day 817-473-6709.


The Parish is seeking individuals interested in serving on the newly formed Landscaping Committee. Members of this committee will design, plant, and maintain landscaping beds on the church grounds. If you are interested in serving St. Jude Catholic Parish in this capacity, contact Ms. Julie Cosby at or by telephone number 817-473- 6709, ext. 2120.

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