Online Giving

Online Giving

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Your generous gifts to St. Jude are greatly appreciated, and I want to thank you for your faithful support! I'd like to ask you to consider taking the next step in your stewardship efforts. You may have missed an opportunity to give because you couldn't attend Mass. I'd like to propose a safer, simpler solution that allows you to remain consistent in your giving while helping us be more accurate in our budget forecasting.

Online Giving

Please prayerfully consider eGiving as a way for you to make sure that your faithful support will always make a difference for our parish community and ministries. It is easy to do. Enroll today at

Online Giving
You can also call St. Jude Parish's Office at 817-473-6709 and speak with Ari, our receptionist.

Parishioner Benefits to Giving online.

Ability to have Tax Credit Totals readily available.

  • No need for Checks.
  • Financial planning allows you to align your income schedule with your parish's offertory schedule.
  • Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend parish services.
  • Contribution amount is easily adjusted.
  • Credit card options allows you to take advantage of benefits such as airline mileage or cash bonuses.
  • No need to share confidential account information as you may enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site.

Parish Benefits

  • No check processing fees.
  • Increases regular giving with recurring giving contributions.
  • More accurate revenue forecasting.
  • Provides electronic donation summary for tax purposes.
  • Reaches a wider demographic of givers.
  • Accommodates special parish collections and missions.
  • Eliminates concerns regarding the security of sensitive data.
  • Enhanced focus on parish ministries and activities.

For those already enrolled, I want to thank you for your participation in the ParishSOFT electronic giving program!

Thank you for being a part of the St. Jude Parish Family!

In Christ, 

Reverend Daniel Kelley, Pastor

"Whoever sows sparinly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." -2 Corinthians 9:6-8

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