Please review the criteria for parish bulletin and 'News from the Pews'
The St. Jude Parish Staff would like to thank you for your understanding of these very early-cut off dates.
How to Submit:Please submit your announcement using this Request Form below.We WILL NOT acceptanyannouncements over the telephone, in person, or emailed without this form, to avoid any miscommunication of your information.
Deadline:The deadline for submitting bulletin requests isMonday at 8 AMof the week you would like your announcement to run, unless of a holiday. Please be respectful with announcements by not sending them into the office months in advance.
Inclusion:Allrequests must be approved by our communications team and arenot guaranteeda spot on our screens before Mass, pulpit announcements, or bulletin. We reserve the right to edit your announcement for length and content, if necessary.*Please note that announcements are for St. Jude entities and activities only.
Duration of Announcements:Announcements will generallyrun in the bulletin and on the screens before Mass for one to two weeks, in advance of your eventto ensure maximum exposure to the congregation. Pulpit Announcements will run a maximum of four weeks but may be omitted depending on other announcements that may take precedence.
Outside Events: We generally do not advertise events sponsored by outside organizations unless officially sponsored by St. Jude Parish.*Please note that announcements are for St. Jude entities and activities only.
We hope the above information will help you as you plan the advertisement needs for your scheduled event.