First Communions require 2 years preparation. The first year of preparation may be started when the child is in 1st grade but not any younger. Look out for Religious Education registration dates in May. Please take in mind that you do need to be a parishioner at St. Jude in order to register your children for Religious Education Classes. Classes begin in September and end in May. For more information, please call the parish office and contact Director of Religious Education Mariana Loarca
Sacrament Preparation
Typically, students begin preparation for their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion while in 1st grade and continue on to receive the sacraments in the spring of their 2nd grade year. However, if students have not received their First Communion by the 4th grade, they will be placed in RCIA adapted for children (more information below)
If your elementary-age student needs to receive the sacrament of Baptism, please
click HERE to learn about our OCIA program adapted for children.
Updated 05/02/2024